• Workshop For Accredited Supervisors:

    Working within the Relational Gestalt Model of Supervision more

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At the Dublin Gestalt Therapy Centre our skilled psychotherapists offer a range of different therapies dealing with a wide variety of psychological emotional, social or work related difficulties that people may experience at different times in their lives.

Counselling & Psychotherapy

We provide Counselling and Psychotherapy Services for individuals, couples and families at different stages in their lives particularly when they are experiencing emotional and psychological difficulties.

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Gestalt Training

We provide training courses and workshops in both Gestalt Therapy ad Gestalt Supervision for Counsellors, Psychotherapists, Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Social Workers and other Allied Healthcare Professionals.

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Supervision Professional Development

5th October 2024 – 9.30am – 5.00pm

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Peer Group for Gestalt Psychotherapists

We invite you to take part in the work of the intervision group.

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Supervision Training Course 2024 – 2025

This Course starts in January 2024, and is completed in May 2025.

Accredited with IACP

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Supervision Professional Development

Gestalt Group Supervision for professionals who work in a process and integrative manner with a varied caseload

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Group Supervision – A Gestalt Relational Model

Gestalt Group Supervision for professionals who work in a process and integrative manner with a varied caseload

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Workshop on Nonviolent Communication

Integrating the work of Marshall Rosenberg into your Practice

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Issues we can deal with

Our counseling and psychotherapy service is available for individuals, couples, families and groups, who may need help with a variety of issues including:-

– Bereavement, grief and loss
– Depression
– Anxiety and stress related difficulties
– Adjustment to chronic or life-threatening illness
– Recovery from trauma (PTSD, domestic violence, emotional and sexual abuse)
– Critical incident Stress Debriefing
– Sexuality and Sexual Orientation
– Sexual and Gender Identity Issues
– Relationship issues
– Personal Growth and Life Transitions
– Counseling for people with Intellectual Disabilities and their families

About Us

At the Dublin Gestalt Therapy Centre our skilled psychotherapists offer a range of different therapies dealing with a wide variety of psychological emotional, social or work related difficulties that people may experience at different times in their lives.

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